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Some people need to loosen up December 20, 2010

Posted by todoubled22 in Misc..

“The only thing worse them having to work is being unemployed and not being able to afford to drink on Saturday nights. Enjoy your paycheck!” – Me (me@yahoo.com aka annonymous email)

This was a comment on my last blog. Apparently, this annonymous person thinks I’m insensitive to the plight of the unemployed. I know there are unemployed people who still make more money than me so what do I fucking care if I make a joke about having to work on a weekend?

Anyone who knows me knows I’m happy to have a job and keep a roof over my head. I can sit at my desk and go on the internet and write these blogs and check out porn sites and I’m thankful for that.

I write things tongue in cheek. I poke fun at myself quite a bit. I’ll write about embarrassing things (hard nippleitis..getting my head stuck in a tree). I write about the fact that I’m afraid of women and even the mistakes I’ve made.

My reply to this comment is to loosen the fuck up. I don’t bitch and complain about shit here. I try to keep things light hearted and am never afraid to be the butt of a joke. If I bitch about having to work on a Sunday, then you have to fucking deal with it or go read some other jabroni’s blog.

What do you guys think? Was I insensitive to people who are unemployed at the moment because I made tried to write an entertaining blog about having to work on a weekend, in a RETAIL store, during the CHRISTMAS season?


1. dee - December 20, 2010

I think who ever made that comment is a coward!! I hate working weekends and closing on the weekend stinks even more. Working in retail at Christmas time does suck and if we want to comment about it we will. Lighten up coward!

2. todoubled22 - December 21, 2010

Haha Dee, you’re so funny. I actually decided to approve the comment to prove it existed.

I write shit to make myself laugh, and maybe one or two others. Sometimes I’m funny and sometimes I’m not, but I’m not mean spirited so get over it. And get a job ya bum.

3. marie - December 21, 2010

first of all people are stupid! and no offense some people who are unemployed have a choice to work but are just lazy…working retail during the holidays does suck! and your right if people can’t handle your opinion go elsewhere! 🙂

4. James - December 22, 2010

I don’t know, I’ve worked every weekend for the last few months straight, so I don’t know what people are complaining about. :p
In all seriousness though, I would reserve my right to complain if I had to suddenly switch to a plano or pricing shift, so largely it’s about doing something that you’re not accustomed to, and that is a pain in the butt I know. I also realize that would gladly put up with those pains in the butt, and even possibly miss them from a previous job. Anywho, I guess what I’m saying is, I sympathize with those who have no job, and I wish them luck in their future endeavors, and the same to my co-workers. And to all, a very merry Christmas! 🙂

James - December 22, 2010

Fixing my typo from above: I also realize -that there are people that- would gladly put up with those pains in the butt, and even possibly miss them from a previous job.

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